Wednesday 28 December 2011

healing does take your time...

assalamualaikum all...

sometimes by unfortunate we cut our finger or hand or leg or any part of our body..

then it becomes wound... hurt and need a medical treatment... so we go and see the doctor...

the doctor treat us and give us the medicine...

what else will happen next?

next is the important phase..

it is the healing process... H-E-A-L....get recovered... get better...
we want to be healthy JUST LIKE BEFORE.... so we could do our work, we could be happy, we could enjoy our life... and we demand to get better ASAP (as soon as possible)...

but (sometimes) we forgot about one main factor in healing process is TIME...OUR TIME....healing does take time...healing does take our time....
because this is a real world, not a magical or fantasies or fairies world...we are no doraemon nor sailor moon...neither harry potter...
we are just a NORMAL man
and this is just the NORMAL and real world we are leaving in...

so in this real world, in order to get recovered again, we need time...the wound can't be healed by force... and it won't heal in a second or just a blink of eyes....

that's the FACT...we have to face it...healing does take time....

day by day and time by time everything will become better again insha ALLAH...
we just have to be patient and wait patiently....
and at the same time life must goes on and we have to do our work, and get everything done (ibadah, work, duties, daily routine, responsibilities...and etc) as it suppose to be..

May Allah grant us the patience that we need in this challenging phase...

Friday 23 December 2011

How to feel sad? by Rus's Blog

"Happy is a feeling welcomed by most. Sadness? If we have a choice, we would rather not feel sad.
It"s good to have a hearty laugh, but not a silent cry.

However, the experience of sadness usually makes us think, reflect, ponder and consider what to do next. Unhappy situations provide us the opportunity to develop. To become more matured. Sad but true.

We wish that even if we are sad,we will not shed tears. The negative feeling is not to be revealed. Kept as a secret.

Can we choose how we feel?" by Rusmanizah Ustati -

Saya ingin berkongsi artikel ini...
Oleh sebab di bahagian tiada butang 'share' untuk saya share jadi saya ambil inisiatif  'copy n paste'...

Post ini boleh dilawati di website berikut di bawah tajuk "How to Feel Sad?" atau tekan di sini

Selamat membaca dan merenung....

Friday 11 November 2011

Dealing with Tantrums...#1 STAY CALM

I've been searching all this time on tips and guidelines on how to handle small kids with certain issues ( like tantrum, doesn't want to eat, yang menjerit bila marah,buli dan etc....).

Then i found this good and informative book. "What to Expect : The Toddler Years" by Heidi Murkoff and some other writers.

Interesting and i like it :) Although i just read only 1% of the book.....ehem..ehem

The first thing  i did when i opened the book,was  searching about to deal with tantrum....

The first suggestion is :
#1 stay calm.... (how can we do that?)
but that is the number 1. STAY CALM

A big WHY there isn't it?

Okay...the writer said in the book :
"Stay calm. Nothing fuels a toddler's like a fired-up parent ; seeing you lose your cool will only make it more difficult for your child to regain his or hers. A  parental blow-up can also terrify a toddler, raising the specter loss of parental love. Already off-balance because of his or her own loss of control, the tantrumming toddler needs your calming influence and the reassurance of your unconditional love...."

i see... api lawan dengan api lagi terbakar. tapi api lawan dengan air, makin berkuranglah apinya.....

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Ayam Goreng Berempah


Ayam Goreng Berempah

Bahan A
3 inci halia
4 inci lengkuas
3 butir bawang putih

Bahan B
7  ketul ayam
1 peket kecil serbuk kari
1 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit
Setengah cawan tepung beras
(jika tiada tepung beras, boleh gantikan dengan tepung jagung)
2-3 batang daun kari
1 biji telur
Garam secukup rasa
Minyak masak

Langkah-langkah :
  1.  Bahan A dikisar. Tapis bahan A (ambil hampasnya sahaja  dan airnya dibuang).
  2.  Gaulkan bahan A (hampasnya) pada ayam bersama serbuk kari, serbuk kunyit, tepung beras, garam, daun kari  dan telur sehingga sebati (gambar atas).  
  3.  Perap ayam yang telah digaul antara 10 minit-30 minit (gambar bawah).
  4. Apabila minyak sudah panas, bolehlah mula menggoreng ayam.
  5. Angkat ayam goreng yang telah bertukar warna kuning keemasan


Ini handy manny helper...

Selamat mencuba ! Dah cuba bagitau saya ya :)
Alhamdulillah...berjaya juga upload gambar setelah cubaan berkali-kali...

Saturday 5 November 2011

Akhir penantian......gembira dan lega

"Yeay, jom kita balik!" Ada seorang budak menjerit kegembiraan di belakang saya. Gembira kerana penantiannya telah berakhir. Mungkin juga itu tanda satu kelegaan kepada penantiannya yang memenatkan.

Barangkali dia menunggu ibunya yang membuat pemeriksaan di klinik ini. Saya tidak pasti. Kerana saya tidak pun menoleh dan tidak tahu sebenarnya suara itu datang dari budak yang mana satu.

Orang di sini ramai. Suasana mungkin tidak selesa. Dia tidak boleh berlari-lari ke sana sini seperti di taman permainan. Rasa tidak bebas.... atau mungkin ketika dia baru mula mahu melompat atau bergurau-gurau ibu sudah beri jelingan amaran.


Seperti budak itu, mungkin sahaja kita merasakan penantian itu sesuatu yang memenatkan, mendebarkan dan menuntut kesabaran.

Dan mungkin seperti dia juga, kita akan berasa gembira dan lega selepas penantian itu berakhir. Lebih menggembirakan lagi apabila hasil keputusannya nanti sesuatu yang menyeronokkan.

Tidak dinafikan yang kita memerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi dalam menempuh sebuah penantian. Semoga Allah melimpahkan kita kesabaran yang tidak berpenghujung untuk meniti setiap saat itu... Mudah-mudahan juga hasilnya nanti akan membuahkan kuntuman senyum yang menghilangkan segala resah menunggu.....

Wednesday 2 November 2011

confront the reality and do the right thing

yes...confront the reality!

and do the right thing....

pray for success....

the rest leave it to Allah.... because Allah Knows The Best